Kevin's Loves and Hates

I Love Poem
By Kevin
I Iove to play my video game with William at his house every weekend.
I love teachers because they teach you a lot and they teach us math, writing and reading.
I love band because it is cool and you get to hear music and you get to sing out loud.
I love chocolate candy because I like sugar and I eat candy with my mom; I eat 9 candies in one day because sugar is my favorite.
I love Malaysia because it is my country and because I have friends there.
I Hate Poem
By Kevin
I hate teenagers because they’re annoying and they’re bossy, so bossy.
I hate bullies because they push people around and they hit you or bully you.
I hate detentions because you can’t go home and have fun and games.
I hate getting embarrassed because people call you names like “baby” and stuff.
I recently went to Hersey PA. - there was so much chocolate, I bought lots of chocolate, and I have a great book about chocolate if you were to ever want to borrow it.
I love your poetry. It tells me so much about you.
What a fantastic writer you are becoming! I very clearly remember the day you first came to Academy School and to our classroom. You have learned so much! Keep up the great work and show that wonderful smile.
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