Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Rescue of the Princess

The Rescue of the Princess

Once upon a time, there was a castle and it had a big, big stained glass window. And there was some crocodiles on the water. There was a princess, a prince, a king and a queen and they lived in the castle. The princess was named Misty and she liked jewelry and candy and ice cream. She liked to design t-shirts, skirts, pants and all kinds of clothing. Misty liked to smell flowers because that’s what princesses like to do. She also liked to play ball with her brother.
But one day, a dragon called Seeta came over and took the princess away from the king and the queen and the prince. Seeta was also named the Beast of the East. Seeta brought Misty to her cave and gobbled the princess up without chewing her. Misty was terrified Inside the dragon’s belly, she could see meat and rocks. Suddenly somebody spoke to her.
“Hi, your majesty.”
“Who are you?” Misty replied.
“I am a warrior of yours and I have been trapped inside here for almost a year, eating all this meat. Seeta never chews her dinner.”
“What’s your name?” Misty asked.
“My name is Sir Lancelot.”
Meanwhile, Seeta went back to the castle and took the prince, Ash. Since Ash had a sword, while he was getting swallowed up, he stabbed the sword into Seeta’s neck and ripped open her stomach. He saved the princess and Sir Lancelot!
The princess, the prince and Sir Lancelot went back to the castle and lived happily ever after.

Grade 3


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