Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Disco Party
Once there was a clan of cats who lived in the forest. They were bored and tired and restless. The queen was eventually pregnant and gave birth to five kits. One of them was the strangest, funniest and funnest kit of all. His name was Discokit. He looked mostly like the yin and yang sign, but he didn’t have those two dots. He was black and white and when he was happy, he got up on his two legs and used his disco paw to dance.
One morning, he went out to the woods to explore. By mistake, he stayed there all night. It was a rainy and thundery night. Poor Discokit caught a cold and was lost in the middle of the forest. He ventured far and met a monkey and a king cobra. They helped him get out of the woods and find his clan. Everybody welcomed Discokit back.
But then they were still bored, and they had no clue what to do. One night, the queen called them to have a meeting about why they were bored. Dappledkit suggested a party, and everyone agreed. And then Discokit’s dad, Scarpelt, remembered that Discokit had found a shiny and glittery ball and two machines. Scarpelt figured out how to use the machines by watching the two-legs do it. He found out that they could make music. Then Discokit had an idea that the glittery ball could be hung in a tree to make lots of lights, tiny as stars.
Discokit said, "Well, we should have some breakdancing kits". So they took a rotten log and put moss on it for the four kits to break dance on.
They had so much fun! Everybody danced, sang, talked and ate. All of the other clans and all their enemies were wondering what on earth they were doing. Discokit decided to invite all the other clans to the next party so that they would all be friends and there would be peace in the forest.

Grade 5


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