Tuesday, December 18, 2007

kindergarten thoughts

I’m making a house. The house all the people eating inside. People that’s eating at the house. They are eating fish and some noodles. My grandma and my grandpa and my mama and my daddy and the daughter.


It’s in the summer. There was a beautiful rainbow in the sky at V’s house. The other house has different people and the Pokemon came out. And then Pikachu’s friend Piplup came out and Charmander and all the Pokemon. They all came out and they were playing all together. They pushed a big rock.


Pikachu and Piplup there’s a friends and Ditto came and these are playing around. They’s just playing. And he’s a picking up the rock and he throw in the tree. And Ditto said, “What happened?” And Piplup said, “I got mad.” And they talk other and they go home and Ditto come and said, “Where’s Piplup and Pikachu?” And he can’t find them. He called ‘em and Pikachu and Piplup pick up the phone and they talk other and say, “Where are you?” “At home,” they said.


The butterfly in the mountain and there’s a rainbow inside the mountain and there’s a cave with footprints outside. Nobody know who’s footprint was that. But they knew it was gonna snow. And that’s all.


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