Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Badlands

I chose this scene because this is the last place Sal’s mother visited before she died. This scene was important because they need to get to I-dee-ho for Sal’s mothers b-day in time. This part is also important because Sal’s mother sent a postcard from every place she visited and this scene is her last postcard before she died. “After driving for so long through the flat South Dakota prairie, it was a shock to come upon the Badlands. It was as if someone had ironed out all the rest of South Dakota and smooshed all the hills and valleys and rocks into this spot. Right smack in the middle of flat plains were jagged peaks and steep gorges. Above was the bright blue sky and below were the pink and purple and black rocks. You can stand right on the edge of the gorges and see down, down into the most treacherous ravines, lined with sharp, rough outcroppings.” (p. 143, Walk Two Moons)

Walk Two Moons Response
Grade 5


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