What Snow Likes and Doesn't Like

My Favorite Things
By Snow
I love my school because I have fun laughing with my friends at lunchtime.
I love shopping for video games at the Holyoke Mall with my family on Saturday mornings in summer.
I love dancing and singing because they have new music and I love to dance with my sister.
I love my sister because she is so good for me and I like to play cards with her because it is so fun and I love to go to the park with her.
I love my birthday because it is fun when I have a big birthday party and a lot of people give a lot of presents.
I love my mom because I like to play with her and I like to watch TV with her.
I love going to Brazil to play with my friend, watch TV, listen to music and dance, go to the mall, talk to my friend, go to my friend’s house...my friend’s name is Andressa.
I Hate
By Snow
I hate when the teacher says to be quiet and kids keep talking because sometimes the teacher is reading a good book and she doesn’t have time to finish it.
I hate vegetables because I don’t like to eat them with rice.
I hate to go to a party and none of my friends are there.
I hate when I’m doing good work and the teacher says, “Time to clean up.”
I hate when I go to my friend’s house and she’s not there and I have to watch TV with her parents.
Hi Snow,
Your poem that's "Things That I Love" is very nice. I especially like the part about your sister and playing cards. The thing that's your teacher says I don't like it neither.
Your friend,
Hello Snow,
I like your poem. I hope you can come to Brazil, because if I were a girl like you I would want to go to Brazil. Who's your favorite friend? You have a lot of friends, I know it. If I were you, and it was my birthday, I want to have a lot a lot of presents! One day it was my birthday, I got a lot of presents. I got like 28 presents and I was very happy.
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