Thursday, June 12, 2008

Beaver Habitat by Kory

Beaver Habitat

There’s lots of different habitats and my favorite habitat is the beaver’s because they’re cool. I like how they make their dam and then they make their house. They have a lot of predators and one predator is a bear and in my little picture, a bear stole a beaver because it was hungry. If a predator is coming beavers quickly go under water and go in their lodge. They do cut down trees and this is how they make the pond. They cut trees down and then they use the branches and the wood to block off the water so the water that was going to go further down the stream all stops and makes a pond and that’s where they make their lodge.

Beavers have small ears and a back flat tail that is about one foot long. Their front feet are smaller than their back feet. Their back feet are webbed. Their body is about 3 feet long. Beavers can block their nose and when they close their eyes in the water they can still see through their eyelids. Their mouth is cool because they can eat in the water like this. Like you know how if we took a lip and we put it on the roof of our mouth and where our tongue is and some of our teeth would stick out. If they were not in the water then they could be endangered because all of the other animals would be eating them and eating them and they would hardly be alive.

June 2008


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