Friday, June 06, 2008

My Dinosaur Art Story, by Thomas

In my scene that I made, my art, the scene is a Spinosaurus battling with a Sauroctonus. Before they met, the Sauroctonus was drinking its fill, but not, however, as you might think he would drink -- like us. I imagine he had to scoop up the water and then swallow it because his mouth was a beak, sort of. Right when the Sauroctonus took its third gulp of water, the Spinosaurus did its deed. And here’s how: suddenly, the Spinosaurus dashed at the Sauroctonus. It wasn’t lucky enough, the Spinosaurus was too fast and locked his 66 teeth onto its victim’s neck. It only took a few seconds and it lay before him, dead. Finally, after one day of not being able to find prey, he could begin his feast.

The Spinosaurus’s habitat is sort of in the middle of the whole forest, because there most dinosaurs hide from predators. And the Spinosaurus was just about as big and as strong as the T. Rex. It had a big beak and daggerlike teeth, like shark teeth. It was pretty much a walker because most of its prey was not that fast. And it was a strong creature.

Why did I choose the Spinosaurus? Because it’s my favorite predator, except for the Velociraptor, of course. They’re both my favorite. All raptors are my favorite because they’re interesting. They had claws, and they were a type of bird. They were just an unusual predator.

But the prey that’s on there, I just made, and later I looked at all the dinosaurs in the book, and found the one that was most similar to the one I made. And it was the Sauroctonus.

Thanks for reading. But you should look at my friends’ pictures too, and you will learn some very interesting facts about dinosaurs.


At 11:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your two dinosaurs. And I like your story.


At 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your dinosaurs is cool and these two dinosaurs have forest. Is like really dinosaur.


At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How 'bout you make a bird fly? I like your dinosaur. It's look like T. Rex.


At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thomas, your dinosaurs are so nice. I like to draw your dinosaurs.


At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your dinosaur look cool and awesome.



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