Friday, February 17, 2006

I Love

By Philip

I love drawing imaginary creatures at school when I’m bored and I’m supposed to be working.

I love the Montshire Museum because it has skeletons of dinosaurs, then they have a gift shop and other cool things.

I love the Philippines because I have lots of cousins and friends so I can play with them, but I’ve been away from the Philippines for two years.

I love parties because they have games, movies, food and drinks and also cake and we can invite my best friend.

I Hate

By Philip

I hate people mocking me and if they mock about what I say about my family and my home country they will make me feel bad.

I hate bullies because they push you or hurt you but sometimes they bully you maybe after school or before school and they sometimes get your lunch.

I don’t like some teenagers because they hurt us like bullies.

Some food I don’t like because my stomach feels weird and I don’t like it, specially I don’t like onions.


At 8:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Philip,
You don't like onions! I have never met anyone who didn't like onions. I put onions in almost everyting I cook (except cake, of course). What is your favorite thing to eat? Maybe you could write a blog on the food of the Phillipines? That would be very interesting.
Ms. A

At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Philip,

What a lot of progress you have made since you first came to my classroom and knew only a little bit of English! Keep up the good work and keep showing us that wonderful smile!

Mrs. C.

At 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Philip,
I hate bullies too. I hope there aren't too many bullies at Academy School. I do like onions though, but I didn't when I was younger. Maybe you will like onions when you get a little older!
Mrs. Holiday


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