Monday, May 22, 2006

My Brain, by Melodi

The Path of My Brain

I wish I could go into my brain, because I could see the things I don’t like and remember it, and go to the path of math and clean it all up so I don’t do math. And I could go into the trash can with my math to get the math to the trash because I hate math.

I wish I could go into my brain because I could go to my friends path to remember all my friends and not forget them. And I could go to the path of the languages that I know so I can remember the Russian a little bit because I forgot almost all the Russian. And I could go to the Spanish room that is in the language path so I could remember all my Spanish because I am forgetting it. I don’t want to forget it so I can speak to my friends. If I forget it I cannot speak to my friends and I would be really sad. I would be like crying. And they are my best friends and my best friends are Bola, Steven, Melissa.

And I could go to the country path to see all the countries that I went because I forget almost all of them. And I think I went to someplace that I don’t remember.

And I could go to the food path so that I could eat because I’m getting really hungry!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Ocean in the Philippines / My Vacation with my Parents

The Ocean in the Philippines
My Vacation with my Parents

By Philip
April 6, 2006

On February 27, 2006 my mom, dad and I (Philip) went to the Philippines and we got to sleep at my cousins’ house. The night we arrived, I spent time with my cousins. We played on the computer and they helped me learn a game that I didn’t know. And we had lots of fun. I had to wait a few days to go to the beach. I couldn’t wait.

To get to the beach, first we took a taxi to a port where we got on a big boat. We were on the boat for a day and a half. There were many beds in one big room - a different kind of bed than we have in the U.S. They had movies, video games, and breakfast, lunch and dinner on the boat. They also had little shops where my mom bought sweet bread for us to eat.

When we got off the boat, we had to take another boat, but it was small. We were on that boat for about one hour. It was still sunny after that, so me and my dad went to a restaurant on the beach. My dad had a mango shake and I had a chocolate shake. I felt great to get out of that big boat and the shakes were delicious.

In a few days, we went on a little boat trip. It was a beautiful view from the boat. We went snorkeling, and when we went into the water we saw magnificent underwater sea creatures. I met a new friend and when he went snorkeling with me, he got me a blue starfish and some red and white coral. I never saw white coral before. My friend’s name is Nilo. I don’t know if he’s a teenager or a kid. Nilo has a different color from me and he’s not really taller than me. He’s nice, strong and handsome. Nilo is a nice guy but I only got to see him once. We played a lot and had fun.

After the boat trip, we went back to the hotel and rested for a little while, then we went outside to see the sunset. My mom, my dad and I sat on a bench on the sand facing the ocean. It was wonderful. The sunset colors were orange, yellow and red. I sometimes imagined the sun was a ball and I could bounce it all the way to the top of the clouds.

I hope you liked reading this story about my ocean. And also, I hope you can go to the Philippines too, so you can have fun and enjoy resting in the sun, going on boat trips, swimming, snorkeling, finding coral and starfish, drinking delicious shakes, and making new friends.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Kevin's Sports Survey

What Kinds of Sports do Most People Like?

By Kevin

I surveyed 21 students and 2 teachers at Academy School about which sport they like the best. All of the kids were between 9 and12 years old and were fourth and sixth graders. I like sports, and I like to win, so I wanted to know what sports students at my school like. I thought most kids would like baseball.

Before I surveyed the students, I got a chart with the names of the sports and I asked my friends, “Which of these sports do you like the best?” Their choices were: baseball, volley ball, soccer, basketball, football, kickball and wall ball. I asked boys and girls. I also surveyed two teachers. Then I went back to my class and made a graph because I wanted to know what was the most popular sport.

When I looked at my bar graph, I noticed that most people like basketball and soccer. Five people chose soccer and five people chose basketball. The second favorite is baseball, which four people chose. The least favorite sports are football and kickball. Only one person chose each of these sports.

When I compared the bar graphs for boys and girls I figured out that boys don’t like that many sports. They only like soccer, baseball and mostly basketball. Girls like more sports than the boys. They like football, kickball, wall ball, soccer and volley ball. What the girls don’t like is baseball and basketball. What’s interesting about that is that baseball and basketball are the most popular sports in the boys’ bar graph.