Monday, March 20, 2006

Perseverance in Academy School


I did a photo essay because I did a photo essay before and it was fun. I like taking pictures of different people in our school. I am interested about who really is persevering in our school.

I worked really hard. I walked around the school finding who is persevering in Academy School. It was easy to find students and teachers persevering. I took 16 pictures but chose 4 to put on the Blog. Doing this project taught me that students and teachers at Academy School work really hard. I was surprised because I thought it would be hard to find perseverance, but it was easy.

This girl is persevering because she is reading a thick chapter book and she can be a great reader when she is a grown up.

This girl is persevering about different languages. This is perseverance because she is trying to write in Greek. She speaks English but she is researching about Greece.

The boy on the left is my brother. He is eight years old. And the boy on the right is his best friend. My brother is drawing and I think he is persevering because I see a lot of details and effort in his work. He is in an art room.

This woman is a computer teacher in our school. She knows a lot about computers. I think that this is perseverance because she is working hard to know a lot about computers. She is typing on a laptop. In her expression she looks like she is concentrating.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Which continent would you like to visit? Why?

I am interested in continents because Brazil is interesting for me. Brazil is beautiful and and I have a lot of friends and family there. Brazil is in South America, close to Mexico and not so much close to North America. I decided to do a survey to find out how many kids wanted to visit South America. I asked them, “Which continent would you like to visit?” Their choices were: Antarctica, South America, Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia. I thought most kids would choose South America.

First I made a chart with my question on it. I surveyed 40 students at Academy School: 20 boys and 20 girls in grades 3, 4, 5 and 6. I wrote down their name, grade, age and how they answered the question. Then I counted how many girls and boys wanted to go to each continent. Finally, I made graphs to show how many people wanted to go to Antarctica, South America, Asia, Africa, Europe and Australia. Here is the bar graph I made:

I was surprised that the same number of people wanted to go to South America, Asia and Australia. And most people want to go to Europe. And only one person wants to go to Antarctica. I was also surprised that most people don’t want to go to South America.

I made another graph comparing boys and girls. I found out that the same number of boys and girls want to go to South America, Asia and Australia. More boys want to visit these continents. Eight girls and four boys want to go to Europe. Twice as many girls want to go to Europe. I don’t know why. One boy and two girls want to go to Africa.

The third graph I made is comparing different ages. I surveyed 4 nine-year-olds, 14 ten-year-olds, 16 eleven-year-olds, and 5 twelve-year-olds. The more important of the ages are ten and eleven-year-olds because they have more people. I found that more ten-year-olds want to go to Europe. The same number of eleven-year-olds (3) want to visit Europe and Australia.

It’s fun but one thing I didn’t like is thinking about this - everything, because I have to think a lot a lot a lot, and look at everything and erase everything. Oh my gosh. I liked asking people “What continent would you like to visit?” Most interesting to me was South America but it’s not fair because I like South America.

So now you can answer the question, "Which continent would you like to visit? Why?" Just click on the comments button and tell me!

Let me know what you think?!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Komel's Interviews at Academy School

Hi, I am Komel and I like to do interviews. I did interviews with my teacher, Mrs. Mernal, and Katrina and Amy and Snow. I like interviewing somebody because I feel happy and I like to write. My teacher interviewed me when I was leaving my country, Holland, and I was happy in my heart. It was fun to have an interview and a lot of questions. The whole school read my interview in a newspaper and it was exciting. And now I’m in America and I interviewed somebody else and I think they feel happy in their heart too.

These are the questions I asked the people I interviewed:
1. What part of science do you like?
2. What’s your favorite book at school?
3. What do you like better, gym, art, music or library? Why?
4. How many friends do you have at school? What do you do with your friends?
5. What do you eat for lunch?
6. What do you like to do in your classroom?

Mrs. Mernal is my teacher. She is nice. I like her. She teaches me very much. I did an interview with her because it was important because Mrs. Mernal is my teacher and I wanted to interview her.

1. Now we are going to talk about science, and this is what she told me about science. She likes to learn about body and habitats and animals.

2. She likes the book Polar Bear Express.

3. She likes art. She wants to collect pictures. She likes to go to art museums.

4. She has kids. Their names are Daniel, who is 22, and the other kid is John and he is 19 years old. She has two kids only.

5. She likes for lunch leftovers in her kitchen.

Katrina Sylstra is a teacher. She is an SIT teacher. She is coming to visit our class but she is our teacher too, and that’s why I’m interviewing her because at March, she is going at the end of March. And I like her, she is fun and now this is my interview with Katrina.

1. She is interested in earth and geology.

2. Her favorite book is Indian in the Cupboard. It’s a very good book and we watched the movie and every day she reads it to the class.

3. She likes art and library.

4. She has lots of friends, around the world. She goes to California, Indonesia, China and I think she went to Mexico. She has lots and lots of friends.

5. She likes to eat vegetables and rice and tempeh for lunch.

Amy is my friend, my very best friend in the world. I like her very much because every day I play with her and Friday she’s coming to my home and we are going to play.

1. She likes part of science, doing experiments.

2. She likes this book, she likes Eye Illusions.
3. She likes music because she likes to sing. She likes art because she likes projects.

4. Amy has 11 friends. She likes to hang out with her friends, outside and in the classroom.

5. She likes to eat for lunch warm soup.

6. In the classroom, she likes to hang out with her friends and play blocks.

Snow is in fourth grade and she is with me in ESL class. She is fun to talk with and she’s funny. I interviewed her because I like her and she’s kind of a friend too.

1. She likes to play with earth in Science.

2. Her favorite book at school is Go Dog Go.

3. She likes gym because she likes to run and to laugh.

4. She has a lot of friends. She likes to play with her friends, laugh, and talk. That’s what she likes to do with her friends.

5. She likes to eat for lunch hot dog and pizza.

6. She likes to work in her classroom. Snow likes to work a lot.