Thursday, May 04, 2006

Kevin's Sports Survey

What Kinds of Sports do Most People Like?

By Kevin

I surveyed 21 students and 2 teachers at Academy School about which sport they like the best. All of the kids were between 9 and12 years old and were fourth and sixth graders. I like sports, and I like to win, so I wanted to know what sports students at my school like. I thought most kids would like baseball.

Before I surveyed the students, I got a chart with the names of the sports and I asked my friends, “Which of these sports do you like the best?” Their choices were: baseball, volley ball, soccer, basketball, football, kickball and wall ball. I asked boys and girls. I also surveyed two teachers. Then I went back to my class and made a graph because I wanted to know what was the most popular sport.

When I looked at my bar graph, I noticed that most people like basketball and soccer. Five people chose soccer and five people chose basketball. The second favorite is baseball, which four people chose. The least favorite sports are football and kickball. Only one person chose each of these sports.

When I compared the bar graphs for boys and girls I figured out that boys don’t like that many sports. They only like soccer, baseball and mostly basketball. Girls like more sports than the boys. They like football, kickball, wall ball, soccer and volley ball. What the girls don’t like is baseball and basketball. What’s interesting about that is that baseball and basketball are the most popular sports in the boys’ bar graph.


At 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Academy kids! This is Kirstin. I used to teach in Mrs. Kiehle's room this past winter, and sometimes I would sit in on your class. Remember me? I'm just checking out the blog to see what you've been up to. You've made some great bar graphs! I have to admit that my favorite sport is baseball. I have two friends from high school who play for the Baltimore Orioles and the Oakland Athletics. OK, well I have to go and do some homework. I hope to stop in and visit before I leave Vermont. Have fun!


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